Book Stores
Kabdwal Books International was established on 28 February 2003. They began their journey by marketing traditional technical and management books. In 10 years of working they have realized from their customers the need of International Standards. Result of this, Kabdwal Book International entered in the field of foreign standards.
With their continuous efforts of pursuing the needs of International standards, fair and smooth dealing, many of the International agencies given them the opportunity of direct dealing of their published standards. Apart from this, they have specialization in distributing books on the following topics: 5S's, ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO/TS 16949, QS 9000, Benchmarking, Engineering, Environment, KAIZEN, KANBAN, Lean, SIX SIGMA, SPC, TPM, TQM, TRIZ etc.
They inform their customers through their computerized mailing database about new publication received from the different publishers. They also provide the updating service for standards to keep the library collections updated.
Customer queries on standards are replied within 24 hours.