His vision was to represent an option with the 'high end' point of sale and proposing a balanced line between fashion trend and classical taste.
Mr. Mehul Nagada started Viraj Jewellers on 16th November 2005 with a vision to represent high end solutions for people who so desire.
Viraj Jewellers continues to represent a perfect blend of creativity, elegance and functionality. It has created a revolution in the Indian jewellery trade and in jewellery buying behavior, and continues to set new parameters of excellence for others to follow. They have a collection of both Gold & Diamond jewellery.
The jewellery range includes Gold Necklaces, Gold Bangles, Gold Earrings, Gold Jewellery Sets, Gold Mangalsutra, Gold Pendents, Diamond Bracelets, Diamond Earrings, Diamond Pendents and Diamond Rings.
Their dedication to quality assures that every jewel that they deliver has the full weight of their reputation and integrity standing behind it. They are 100% BIS Hallmark Store. Certificate no. CM/L7520869.
It opens from Monday - Sunday, 10 AM to 8 PM.