Eye Care
Established in 1920, Banaji Eyecare represents 3 generations of Eye Surgeons and nearly a century of eye care in India. The clinic is located in the heart of Mumbai, in the heritage structure of the Navsari Building, since its inception. Today Banaji Eyecare offers very concentrated and highly specialized eye surgery in the field of Laser Vision Correction (LASIK) and Cataract Surgery including vision correction with highly advanced Multi-focal Intraocular Lens implants (IOL'S) which benefit not only those suffering from diseases of the lens such as cataracts, but also for the correction of Presbyopia (Prelex).
From routine eye examinations, to hi-tech custom Lasik surgery with the Excimer Laser, it covers all aspects of specialized anterior segment eye care and surgery. Dr Banaji, the Medical Director of the clinic has trained hundreds of surgeons in Lasik, in India, in the USA, United Kingdom and Southeast Asia.
It specializes in Glaucoma, Cataract and Eye Examination.
The clinic offer services like Vision Examination, Intraocular pressure measurement, Ocular movement check, Slit Lamp Examination, Examination of the External Structures of the Eye, Examination of the inner structures of the Eye, Pupil check, Assessment of Corneal function and Corneal Transplantation, Medical Retina Including Intravitreal Injections for Age Related Macular Degeneration, Optic Nerve evaluation, Cataract Examinations & Services, Intraocular Lenses for Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma Examinations & Surgery, Squint examination & correction surgery in children and adults, Visual Field Examination, Minor Surgery Of The Eyelids, Laser Vision Correction, Indirect Ophthalmscopy and Biomicroscopy, Contact Lens Clinic, Optical dispensing and Worlds most advanced foldable and Multifocal Intraocular lenses.